Anonymous Babes

Not everyone who does a boudoir shoot wants their face shared all over social media (even if they look AMAZING during their session) but they still want to help their photographer! After all, these images are absolute FIRE, but if you’re a teacher or an administrator or a public figure of some kind, what can you really do?

Anonymous images are the perfect middle ground for girls who want to show their stuff without showing all their stuff, if you know what I mean.

When you sign your model release for your session, you’ll have several options including an animus model release. So what does that actually mean? It means that no defining parts of you (your face, your tattoos, anything immediately identifiable about you) will be shown on social media. Here are some of our favorite anonymous images of women you wouldn’t be able to pick out of a lineup.

In fact, some women comment on other women’s pictures mistaking it for their own! Whoops! A lot of similar poses are used for each client session, so it’s easy to mistake your own photo for someone else’s. Rest assured, unless you signed on the dotted line, your images won’t go ANYWHERE at all. You, as a client, are of incredible value to us and your privacy is equally important, should you want it.

Comment below which image is your favorite!

And of course, stay gorgeous, stay happy, stay you. ☀️

Ready for YOUR boudoir experience?

so are we. drop us a line below and let’s start planning.


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Too Sexy For Social Media: privacy and boudoir.