Jeszi’s Boudoir Experience - from Kristen’s point of view

Boudoir client laying supine on chair in sunset

From Kristen’s perspective:

this review is one of my favorites, pulled from my google reviews.

jeszi was an incredible client. i will always be humbled by the fact that some of my clients fly and drive from other states around the country to visit me. this review is from when i first starting shooting boudoir exclusively and i like to belive i’ve only grown better and better over the years.

Boudoir client standing against dark blue wall in black dress with slit
Boudoir client laying supine on couch underneath window

when jeszi arrived for her session, she seemed only slightly nervous, but there was still a touch. no matter how well you know someone, stripping down naked and posing in front of them causes nerves - it just does.

but once we got started, the images began to fly. we started off with her most covering outfit (a gorgeous dress that she’d purchased just for the session) and worked our way down to a completely nude session. it was incredible!

watching jeszi’s nerves melt away and her confidence build throughout the session is the most memorable part of her experience from my perspective. as i showed her the back of the camera, i could feel her energy climbing higher and higher, which only caused my energy to climb too.

Blonde boudoir client posed in front of mirror in black satin robe
Boudoir client sitting on red chair in black studio room

by the time we had finished, jeszi and i were laughing our butts off and aboslutely gawking over the gorgeous images we created together.

“i can’t believe you made me look this good! you’re incredible!” this is something i hear from clients at nearly every single session and i’ll be honest: you guys are the ones who bring the beauty, i just know how to photograph it well. most of my clients will agree it’s a 50/50 effort to create these images, but the truth is simple:

Nude boudoir client posed on couch with hand in hair

you show up as yourself. your nerves trick you into believing you can’t do this, but my unobjective camera and photographer skills will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are more than capable of being the sexy, beautiful, vibrant woman that you’ve seen in my other client photos a hundred times over.

there is no secret. the only secret is letting go of your fears and doubts and opening your eyes to see the gorgeous woman that the rest of the world is PRIVILEGED to know and love every single day.

Interested in booking your boudoir experience?


Miss S’s First Boudoir Experience


Jessica’s Boudoir Experience: Jessica share’s the story of her boudoir photo shoot.